Compliant AI for Aerospace Manufacturing and Repair
Use ChatGPT with company data using goverment-approved Microsoft Azure. The Secure, Government-Compliant GPT for private data with lifetime support by Aerospace AI experts.
Our system was built by answering the top 3 questions we heard from aerospace leaders about AI:
1. How do we deploy AI effectively?
2. What results can we expect?
3. Is our IP secure, and is my data for government products compliant?
1. We secure your company data into one single location, creating a single source of truth, allowing your organization to use AI just like ChatGPT. We offer ongoing consulting and training.
2. We have seen clients initially experience 20-30% savings on a single use-case. Our unique process will relentlessly find more and more oportunities.
3. Yes. We partner with the most innovative industry leaders in AI data security using trusted software like Microsoft Azure to eleminate any safety or compliance concerns.
Explore AI privately and always in compliance:
Benefits to Your Business
Operational Efficiency:
Streamline processes and improve productivity through AI.
Cost Reduction:
Identify areas to reduce operational costs significantly.
Competitive Advantage:
Stay ahead by adopting cutting-edge AI technologies.
Strategic Insight:
Gain a clear understanding of all company data like never before through AI.
Risk Mitigation:
Comprehensive analysis to inform decision-making and avoid pitfalls.
Why Choose GoProductiv?
Industry Expertise:
Over 40 years combined in aerospace with deep understanding of industry challenges.
Customized Solutions:
Tailored AI strategies designed for your specific needs.
Rapid Results:
Actionable insights delivered in a 30-day engagement.
Tangible Deliverables:
Professional reports and presentations for internal and external use.
Implement the roadmap internally, with our support, or with another provider.